1·News of the deal has sparked vigorous debate.
2·Optimists say this is no more than the vigorous debate that defines the American primary system.
3·These issues call for vigorous debate, and I think it's fair to say we've answered that call.
4·So we are looking forward to a continuing vigorous debate, but I think we are going to have to work hard on unity.
5·The long and vigorous debate about health care that's been taking place over the past few months is a good thing.
6·There was, in fact, a vigorous debate within Goldman about the right level, just as there was over the firm’s overall risk levels.
7·There was, in fact, a vigorous debate within Goldman about the right level, just as there was over the firm's overall risk levels.
8·For years, there's been vigorous debate among psychologists about whether a person's intelligence is the result of "smart" genes or a nurturing environment in infancy.
9·But even in the absence of a dedicated grouping, the prospect of intellectual property approval has sparked a vigorous debate over whether long-used names for the drug can be trademarked.
10·And every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing a new home, honey bees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building.